Sunday, July 02, 2006

REM Sleep

Researchers say that the dreams we get during a Rapid eye movement (REM) phase in our sleep can be more easily recalled compared to non-REM dreams.

There is one dream about E that I will never, never forget. It's what I call the Pavillion Dream. Of course it has to be strange -- it's a dream after all! In the dream, I am walking on the street leading to the public market of my hometown, then I saw some colored crepe papers dancing with the wind on the street, lining like a trail to somewhere. I follow the trail and it leads to an elevated pavillion, about 6 feet from the ground. I see a boy wearing glasses, he looks sadly at me, then walks down. That boy is my X bf. He did look younger in the dream, tho. Then after him, another X descends, this time he is followed by some of my classmates. I clearly see D in the scene. Then when it is clear to me that there is only one person left in the pavillion, he descends the steps, smiling, and I welcome him with wide open arms.

We embrace in joy and I am overwhelmed by a mix of emotions. The next scene shows a high school reunion, where classmates ask if he has popped the question yet. In wakelife, these classmates, G and K, bumped into us in the town plaza when we sort of dated for the first time many, many years ago. (Now I actually got confused there 'cause I thought it should have been made clear in the embrace that there's no point in popping the question anymore.)

This dream, which I had about 2 or 3 years ago, must've been a rather potent REM dream. Wiki says, "It is common to wake for a short time at the end of a REM phase." And I did wake up at about 2 a.m. after that dream. I woke up smiling and at peace. I prayed to God, "Let it happen, please."

Wiki also states that "people awakened during REM usually feel alert and refreshed. " Indeed, I felt fully alert and positively refreshed. It was a very beautiful dream.

I miss him now. I'm missing him and I have no idea where he is now. I know there's a chance that I'll get frustrated with him again. But we've been through a lot. I now know how much I can endure. And it's limitless. I am not optimistic for a happy ending. It is just clear to me now that between him and me, there is no chance for a bitter ending; because we're good friends. Whether he ends with someone else or I actually hook up with my big crush now, nothing can change the sweet bonding we have. So if ever I will end up with this good friend, I know life can't be too bad.

Maybe the dream has something to do with the fact that he did ask me to marry him over 3 years ago. This, I can clearly remember because it was my birthday. He didn't actually ask, he just said I should marry him instead of my then boyfriend, who was also asking pressuring me for a quick civil wedding. E read the boyfriend's text message on my phone, which was a follow up on the verbal proposal. In reaction, he said I should marry him instead. I didn't take it seriously. I knew he couldn't be serious, too. After all, he was in a relationship, too. Still, I played along and asked him -- When? He paused for a while, then he said, "2008." I said OK. And I was more than just half-serious. But I know it won't be too easy. Ever. Especially since I couldn't find the guts to break up with my boyfriend then. He, on the other hand, had a girlfriend whose life revolved around him and him alone.

I am 95% certain that E has forgotten all about 2008. The other 5% is praying for the Universe to remind him of it. Only if it's gonna be good for us.


Blogger Jing said...

*A very sweet smile for you and E*

8:30 AM  
Blogger pat said...

:) >:d<

3:18 AM  

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